Pay Design and Decision Support

From Intent to Outcomes

Remuneration programme design translates strategic intent into outcomes. Our team designs pay programmes that result in defensible and appropriate decisions and actions, as well as adherence to standards of good governance.

Composition of Goal Setting

Farient believes that of all the design features of remuneration programmes, goal setting has one of the most significant effects on alignment. Goal setting is all about striking the right balance between establishing measures and setting goals that are at once motivational to executives and accretive to shareholders and other stakeholders.

This service includes:

Pay structure design, including pay positioning and mix

Our team develops pay structures that support each company’s strategic intent (e.g., to scale, attract critical talent in highly competitive markets, etc.)

Short- and long-term pay programme design

We develop all aspects of pay programmes including vehicles, performance measures, and other design features.

Goal setting

The intersection between pay and performance is goal setting. Using our “360-degree” framework, we analyse and forecast performance based on shareholder expectations, historical competitive reviews and gaps between expected and actual performance. This informs goal ranges including thresholds, targets, and maximums, and creates confidence that pay will align to performance.

Pay actions

Our team reviews planned remuneration actions to determine whether they are consistent with the stated pay strategy and the implications when inconsistencies exist.

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