Farient Briefings: Do Performance Shares Really Equal Better Performance?

November 2, 2022

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Farient Briefings

Performance Shares Reconsidered

side of large curved skyscraper with rainbow sky in background

Imagine investing over 10 years only in companies that reward executives with time-based equity instead of the more popular performance-based shares or PSUs. You would have outperformed the market by an average of 2% over that time – and never underperformed it even once.

Farient’s Marc Hodak argues that despite investors and proxy advisors clamoring for PSUs on the basis that they inspire better performance, the numbers just do not add up. In this new article, Hodak tackles the reasons why PSUs so often fail to live up to their promise – and how companies bound to them by shareholders can avoid their negative pitfalls.

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Where to Find Us

Four c-suite women pose for a picture at a C-Sweet event

C-Sweet LA Executive Evening – Environmental, Social and Governance – How to Succeed in the Transition to a Sustainable Future

Los Angeles

November 16, 2022

Investors continue to press companies on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, and the C-Suite needs to be constantly attuned to the latest trends and challenges. Join Farient’s Dayna Harris and other leading experts for this interactive discussion and valuable networking cocktail event in Los Angeles, at 2049 Century Park East, 14th Floor Conference Room, on November 16, 2022, for a lively night of conversation and sharing of insights and ideas on the most important evolving issues in ESG and sustainability. You can learn more and register to attend here.

NACD Carolinas Chapter's Risk Management Agility and Resilience: The Board's Role event graphic

NACD Carolinas Chapter – Risk Management Agility & Resilience: The Board’s Role

Hybrid Event: Charlotte, NC In-Person and Online

October 27, 2022

The acceleration of risks ranging from supply chain management to cybersecurity, and the interaction between these challenges, has made it more important than ever for Boards to hold management accountable for preempting crises of all kinds. This in turn requires Boards to design compensation plans that hold executives responsible for risk management in a new age of uncertainty, while still incentivizing them to take appropriate business risks.

Farient’s Marc Hodak and Brian Bueno were featured at this NACD Carolinas interactive panel and dinner event at Charlotte’s Quail Hollow on October 27, 2022, for a discussion of how compensation plans can balance the needs of business in relation to sustainable risk management and exploring new avenues of growth. You can read more about this event here.

large group of c-suite women pose for a picture in front of a table at the 5050 Women on Boards conference

5050 Women on Boards – Conversation on Board Diversity

New York and Los Angeles

October 18 and October 24, 2022

The need for greater diversity on Boards is paramount as investors increasingly hold companies accountable on diversity, equity and inclusion issues. That’s why 5050 Women on Boards sponsors regular events to bring Corporate Directors together with diverse women Board candidates for constructive networking sessions. Farient recently sponsored two such events in New York and Los Angeles, but these Conversations on Board Diversity are ongoing this year through December and are invaluable events for connecting diverse talent to Board decision-makers. You can read more about 5050 Women on Boards 2022 events here.

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