Why the New PvP Disclosures Are a Game Changer—Agenda

October 18, 2023

The SEC’s new rule on pay-versus-performance (PvP) disclosures require companies to report compensation actually paid is a potential game changer, according to Farient Partner Marc Hodak, writing in Agenda. The new rule opens the door to investor demands for greater correlation between executive pay and company performance. In his article, Hodak provides concrete steps that companies and their boards should consider going forward. Catch up on what you need to know on PvP disclosures.

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About Marc Hodak

Marc Hodak Farient headshot SEC rule

Partner, Farient Advisors, Dallas

New York/Dallas
Mobile: (917) 259-0034

Marc works closely with senior management, boards of directors, and investors, in both public and private companies to develop executive compensation programs that are shareholder-friendly, attractive to management, and responsive to the needs and concerns of boards. He is a recognized thought leader in incentive plan design. His articles have been published in numerous magazines, including ForbesNACD DirectorshipDirectors & Boards, and academic journals. He has been quoted in the national press, including the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and Reuters. He is a sought-after speaker at forums and conferences throughout the U.S. and Europe on executive compensation, corporate governance, and value management. Marc was named to the 2020 NACD Directorship 100, a list of the most influential people in corporate governance and the boardroom. For the last 10 years, Marc has taught corporate governance as a professor at NYU’s Stern School and as visiting lecturer at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. Before joining Farient, Marc was the principal at Hodak Value Advisors and led value-based management implementation and related projects at Stern Stewart & Co. He earned his MBA in finance from the University of Maryland.

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